Another morning- another giant mug of thick, black coffee.... I don't even like coffee. I drink it because it gives me a buzz and it is more socially acceptable to drink Nescafe in the morning than a bottle of fluorescent blue Powerade.

Coffee has come into my life because of a significant increase in my work load. Don't get me wrong- I'm very excited about having a variety of different things to be getting on with. I'm a total fidget- the kind of person who is constantly tapping their feet and looking around for something else to do. I get bored and demotivated when I don't have anything to do. No- my problem is with shutting my brain off when I get home in the evenings.

Last night, as I was settling down, ready to go to sleep, this is what happened:

Me: Ahhh, lovely, lovely sleep

Brain: Excuse me. Before you nod off, I was wondering...are you sure that you have invited all the people you need to for this launch event you're organising?

Me: Shut up, I'm trying to sleep. But now you mention it...I can't remember if I added that key media contact to the guest list...Maybe I should get up and check.

Brain: And I hope you realise that you have to phone thingy and so-and-so tomorrow, and look through those notes, and type up that article and write up that other thing. Oh, and update your blog.

Me: I'm perfectly aware of all this- why are we going over this at 12.30am??

Brain: Also, seeing as you're still awake, let me tell you about this great idea I have for that new client of yours.

And so it went on.

How does everyone else relax when they get home in the evenings? Are you ever able to take your mind entirely off work or is it always lurking at the back of your mind, wherever you are and whatever you're doing? Does it get easier the longer you are in the job role? Maybe I should take up yoga...

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