'My name is Jennifer Boyes and I'm addicted to online communications.................'

It started with a simple and harmless interest in forums and blogs when I was younger. However, as each year goes by, increasing numbers of online tools and applications are springing up.

Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, LinkedIn, Diggit, Reddit, Stumble and are all global networking/sharing devices that I use on a regular basis. Closer to home we have Kiwipulse and ShareMyNZ, two New Zealand networking sites. And now, despite my best efforts to fight it, I have fallen victim to the temptation of Twitter......

I am passionate about online communications- on both a personal and professional level. I think it is something that is still undervalued by companies in New Zealand although I have noticed a few of our larger brands are starting to embrace online tools (Air NZ for example, which is on Twitter) .

The only thing that bothers me is the possibility that at some point in the future, there will be so many online networking mediums out there that it will become increasingly difficult to communicate with the right audiences. Us PR people will need an arsenal of about 500 different websites, if we want any chance of getting in touch with all the right people!

What do you think? Do you think that this is real a danger or do you think there will always be a select few networking/sharing sites that are hugely popular and accessed by the large majority? I would be interested to hear your thoughts.

By the way, if any of you use Twitter, leave your details in the comments here and I'll make sure to check you out. Or you can follow me and my own inane ramblings- my username on there is JenniferBoyes. Twitter you all later!

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